The television series of Modern Family has been infiltrating our televisions and laptops since 2009 and we have all come to know Sofia Vergara as she plays Gloria in the successful series. TV's highest paid actress is venturing out into a new production and will be the subject of a short-film, six-episode series.
It has recently been announced that Sofia's latest series will launch on... you guessed it... Snapchat!
Sofia Vergara's series won't be the first original series to premier on Snapchat. Steven Spielberg's daughter Sasha Spielberg, along with Emily Goldwyn, launched Literally Can't Even in January. Furthermore, a superhero Snapchat series called SnapperHero by AT&T has been written and could see many organisations follow in the footsteps of Sasha Spielberg and Emily Goldwyn.
Vergaraland will be aired in summer in the USA, which is winter in Australia.
Exact dates are yet to be released.